2000 Ford Expedition Flywheel Replacement Book time

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    • #12649

      My nephew does car repairs on the side and asked me if I could find the “book” time for the replacement of the flywheel on a 2000 Expedition w/ 4WD. Actually, wouldn’t mind finding an online “book” time resource in general (I like to do my own repairs as well as long as it isn’t major surgery). He wants to know what the expected repair time would be so he can do it without screwing himself pay-wise for it.

    • #13682

      The ‘book’ time you are referring to is the labor time stated in an automotive labor time guide. In all, it is just a ‘guide’ as stated in its name. It gives a general figure for labor time given a general set of circumstances, such as the car being in good shape, no rusted bolts or extra problems involved in doing a job. The time to do the flywheel on a 4WD Expedition is about 6 hours. If the vehicle is in bad shape, you can expect to break bolts, have parts not come loose, etc. I would always add an hour or two of labor just for the unexpected.

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